Monthly Archives: May 2024
Contested High-Net Worth Divorces In Florida
High-net worth couples have to navigate certain hurdles that other couples don’t necessarily face in their divorce. Yes, their divorces tend to be more expensive, and this is largely because they are more complicated. High-net worth couples have more assets to divide, property that needs to be appraised, and financial matters to sort out…. Read More »
Appeals Court Overturns Alimony Ruling After Miscalculation Based On Gross Income
In the case of Parker v. Parker, a wife appealed the decision of the trial court which awarded her durational alimony for a period of five years. The wife believed that she was short-changed due to a miscalculation in how alimony was determined. The Florida courts award alimony in many divorce cases. There are… Read More »
What Can You Put In A Prenuptial Agreement In Florida?
While it may seem unromantic to ask your partner for a prenuptial agreement, it helps to understand that you already have a prenuptial agreement in place. The rules of divorce in Florida dictate how assets are distributed, how alimony is calculated, and what happens to marital debts after the marriage is dissolved. Instead of… Read More »
Substance Abuse And Child Custody In Florida
In Florida, the courts use a “best interests of the child” standard to determine issues related to child custody. That means that they put the best interests of the children at the forefront of any decision they make. The courts will consider whether or not a parent has an active substance abuse issue when… Read More »