Category Archives: Traffic Offense

Understanding Reckless Driving Charges In Florida
Reckless driving is a traffic offense in Florida. It is a serious violation. Indeed, reckless driving is a misdemeanor criminal offense in the state. An arrest and conviction for reckless driving in Florida could even lead to prison time. You can defend yourself against a reckless driving charge. In this article, our Tampa traffic… Read More »

Do I Have To Report An Accident Involving Unattended Property?
If you are involved in a minor car crash and no other person is involved, your first instinct might be to count your blessings and get back in your car and drive away. However, if your accident resulted in damage to any “unattended property”–such as another vehicle with no occupants or even a fixture… Read More »

Defending Against a Traffic Violation in Tampa
Most people need to drive to get to work or school, purchase groceries and other necessities, and run their children around. Driving is even more important if your job requires it. Under Florida law, you could lose your driver’s license if you commit certain traffic offenses. Despite what some people believe, traffic violations don’t… Read More »

Do I Need an Attorney for a Tampa Traffic Offense?
Some people get charged with a traffic offense and then either ignore it for a while or forget about it entirely. You don’t necessarily think about a traffic offense ruining your life, but it can. Do you want to keep the job you currently have? Or, what about driving around town and the freedom… Read More »