Different Types of Theft Charges in Tampa

If you have been arrested and charged with theft, don’t take it lightly. The crime of theft means you knowingly took property belonging to another, with the intention to appropriate the property for your own use or deprive the owner of their benefit. Theft could apply whether it was temporary or permanent. Even a misdemeanor charge for theft will be on your record. Since theft can be classified as a crime of dishonesty, a conviction could negatively impact you for years to come. Don’t leave your case to chance; retain an experienced Tampa theft lawyer to represent you.
Our team of Tampa theft lawyers at Faulkner Law Group can help protect your rights and prepare the best defense possible. If you are facing theft charges, it could be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances.
Petit Theft
Theft of any property valued from $100 to $750 could be charged as Petit Theft. This is typically a first-degree misdemeanor and can result in up to a year in jail, plus $1,000 in fines. You could also be ordered to pay restitution payments for the property stolen. If this is not your first offense, you could be charged with a third-degree felony. If a charge for Petit Theft involves driving off without paying for gas, you could also have your driver’s license suspended for six months or a year.
Grant Theft
Property that is valued over the $750 threshold will be charged as grand theft. Certain types of stolen property quality as grand theft, no matter what their value is. Examples include estate planning documents, like a will, controlled substances, firearms, and more. If you are accused of theft in a dwelling, anything valued over $100 would be charged as grand theft, which is a third-degree felony.
If you are arrested for forgery, you’re likely facing third-degree felony charges. Forgery is a crime that involves falsely altering, forging, making, or counterfeiting a bond, will, charter, public record, deed, or an insurance policy, with the intention to defraud or injure. Penalties, if convicted, could be up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Robbery is a serious crime. It involves taking property or money from someone with the intention to deprive them of their property. The method of theft is through assault, violence, use of force or by putting someone in fear that you would use violence or force. It is a second-degree felony but could be charged as a first-degree felony if the offender used a deadly weapon or firearm.
Burglary could be charged as a third-degree felony, but in some cases, it might be a first-degree felony with life in prison. A burglary crime involves entering a house or other dwelling to commit a criminal offense inside.
Contact a Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you have been arrested and charged with theft, it’s crucial to retain an attorney as soon as possible. Contact Faulkner Law Group, PLLC, today to schedule an initial consultation. Let us help you fight theft charges by preparing the best defense possible.