Essential Tips to Avoid a DUI Over the Holiday Season

The holiday season is nearly here, and it should be a joyous time spent with loved ones and close friends. Many holiday celebrations include copious amounts of food and drinks, leading to an increase in drunk drivers on the road. DUI arrests and tragic accidents are more common during the holidays, resulting in increased fatalities over the holidays. You don’t want to ruin your holidays with an arrest for a DUI.
Florida DUI Penalties
If you do find yourself facing DUI charges, make sure you retain an experienced Tampa DUI lawyer to represent you. Even first-time offenders in Florida could be facing severe consequences. Fines for a first-time offense can range from $500 to $1,000. You could have your driver’s license suspended for up to six months and be ordered to complete 50 hours of community service. Expect that your vehicle will be impounded for a minimum of 10 days.
If you have a prior conviction, or there are aggravating factors, the penalties could be higher. You could be facing a third-degree felony that carries a sentence of up to five years in prison and a maximum of $5,000 in fines.
Tips for Preventing a DUI
Before holiday season hits, read up on these helpful tips to keep yourself from ending the year with a pending DUI criminal case.
Pick a Designated Driver
If you can, have someone be the designated driver for the evening. This is probably the best and safest option as you can still enjoy a few glasses of wine or beer and know you will get home safely. However, the designated driver must stay sober.
Wait Two or Three Hours
The only real way to sober up is to wait and let the alcohol run through your system. Drinking a pot of coffee isn’t going to speed up the process either. Once you stop drinking alcohol, find something else to keep you occupied or help out around the party. Clean up, watch a movie, or order something in to eat.
Spend the Night
If you are at a family member’s house, spend the night if they have the extra room. If you are out at a bar drinking, is there a friend that lives nearby? Maybe you can ask them in advance whether you can stay the night if you find yourself unable to get home after the family get-together.
Call a Cab or Uber
Remove the temptation to drive after drinking by taking a cab or rideshare vehicle to the holiday gathering. Then you do not need to worry about misjudging your alcohol level and getting behind the wheel. You only need to get a cab or Uber who can drop you back off at home.
Give Someone Your Keys
If you are still planning on driving to the holiday gathering, give your keys to someone else trustworthy. They should hold on to them overnight, so you aren’t tempted at 3 a.m. to try and make it home.
Make Sure to Eat
One mistake people make is they arrive at a gathering and immediately start drinking on an empty stomach. Try to eat something before you arrive. An empty stomach can cause your blood sugar to see a rapid spike. The effect can be the same if you are dehydrated.
Contact a Tampa DUI Lawyer Today
If you have been arrested for a DUI, speak with our Tampa DUI lawyers right away. Contact Faulkner Law Group, PLLC, to learn how we can protect your rights.